In-game requests

All HTTP POST requests are made with Content-Type application/x-www-form-urlencoded.

All URLs are terminated by “/”.

Sending the scores (POST)

The game can optionally send scores for each game session. If it does, a scoreboard is displayed in Octopod:Play when the game session is finished.

Scores can be sent at any time, several times if necessary. Each request replaces the previous one.

Warning: Leave a 2-seconds delay between two requests. Scores must be sent before the session done request.

URL: {_ip_launcher}/session/{_session}/scores/




Where <string> is a string-encoded JSON with the following format.

    "_id player 1": {
      "field1": score1,
      "field1": score2,
    "_id player 2": { ... },

Where "_id player x" is the {_id} variable provided by Octopod:Play.


    "success": <bool>